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Using the Adonis Golden Ratio Program to Build the Perfectly Proportioned Body

Anyone who has been working out with the aim of building muscle will know that the time spent in a gym can be either extremely beneficial, providing great results, or be a complete waste of your time and hard-earned cash. The difference between success and failure can be as simple as focus and setting realistic goals.

If what you want to achieve is to have a physique that resembles that usually associated with Brad Pitt or as most women will tell you, a perfectly proportioned body then you may want to consider using a program called the Adonis Golden Ratio. Being perfectly proportioned physically will help you in practically every area of your life, this includes becoming more attractive to women!

The Adonis Golden Ratio was born out of the need to find a formula that was extremely effective at creating the perfect male body shape. At the core of the program is the Golden Ratio, a centuries old mathematical formula, created by artists and thinkers, which calculates what each individual's proportionately perfect body shape should be. It may all sound a bit far fetched but this formula has been scientifically proven and is recognized by scholars and it is usually expressed in scholarly circles as 1:1.618

The formula refers to the measurement ratio between the waist and the shoulders and differs per each individual as it is calculated according to height.

The philosophy of the perfect body shape is used when creating a specific workout and diet plan, designed to help you achieve the perfect bodily proportions in the shortest possible time. The use of this ancient calculation is unique to the Adonis Golden Ratio program and no other program targets this type of body transformation as it's goal. In short, if you want a sculpted physique rather than huge muscles then this program is for you, if you want to have huge, hulk sized muscles then look elsewhere. But before you answer this you must first consider one important factor.

If you are getting into great shape in order to be more attractive to women then think again about really bulking out!  Women are genetically trained to be drawn towards guys that possess broad muscular shoulders and chest that taper down to a slender well-defined waist, the perfect "V" shape if you like. If any of those boxes remain unticked then the instant attraction can almost as quickly disappear. It goes without saying that this would only work if you lost all of your excess body fat, you can have the broadest, most well defined shoulders in the world, but if they are underlined by a big bulbous stomach the appeal that may have existed to some women would suddenly vanish!

If you want to be the guy who the women drool over and the other guys have nothing but respect for, then you will want to read this Adonis Golden Ratio Review as soon as possible. It provides you with very detailed information about the program and what you should expect from it.


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